Pearls Collection
Hace ya mucho tiempo que llevamos viendo calaveras en pulseras y collares, nosotras ya estábamos un poco cansadas de ello y como ahora lo que se lleva es lo Vintage, decidimos recuperar las perlas, sí, esas bellas perlas de los collares de antaño, más grandes o más pequeñas, pero no había señora que se preciara que no tuviera uno...inspiradas en dichas perlas decidimos crear nuestra nueva colección de pulseras, la Colección Perlas, una colección de pulseras realizadas con lazo y perlas, sencillas y elegantes, que puedes combinar con todo tipo de look, además les añadimos pequeños detalles con originales charm.
Aquí os dejamos algunos modelos de nuestra nueva colección, si quereis ver alguno más, podéis visitar nuestra tienda en Artesanio, en la siguiente dirección:
For a long time we have been seeing skulls bracelets and necklaces, and we were a little tired of it and now Vintage style is in fashion, so we´ve decided to retrieve the pearls, yes, those beautiful pearl necklaces of old, larger or smaller, there wasn´t any lady who did´nt have anyone ... inspired in this pearls we have created our new collection of bracelets. Pearl collection, is a collection of bracelets made with lace and pearls, simple and elegant, you can combine with all kind of look, and we add little touches with original charm.
Here you have some models of our new collection, if you want to see any more, you can visit our store in Artesanio, at the following address:
For a long time we have been seeing skulls bracelets and necklaces, and we were a little tired of it and now Vintage style is in fashion, so we´ve decided to retrieve the pearls, yes, those beautiful pearl necklaces of old, larger or smaller, there wasn´t any lady who did´nt have anyone ... inspired in this pearls we have created our new collection of bracelets. Pearl collection, is a collection of bracelets made with lace and pearls, simple and elegant, you can combine with all kind of look, and we add little touches with original charm.
Here you have some models of our new collection, if you want to see any more, you can visit our store in Artesanio, at the following address:
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